Summertime is the time for festivals and what a better way to spend a day. I’ve played quite a few festivals this year and always enjoy myself and the exhaustion after a long day is strangely rewarding. Next weekend I’ll be performing at the World of Faeries Festival in South Elgin, IL doing a couple of private shows along the way. The 1460 mile drive (one way) is a haul but it is what I do and what musicians before me have done. You go to where the people are. This festival is a wonderful collage of part Renaissance Festival and Lord of the Rings paying homage to the little Fairy that lives in all of us—the part that still believes in magic. Music, dancing, vendors, food, fantasy and fun are what this is all about. The festival is set in a beautiful private park of massive Oak trees right on the tranquil Fox River. I am so giddy about performing my Native American flute music and ethereal Hang drum. It rings out to the trees and I could swear last year I heard them singing back. The organizers of this festival are people who volunteer to make this a top notch festival and are genuine, hard-working and passionate about all things fairy. If you have ever organized a festival you know the minutiae involved. Kudos. Check their website for the most current schedule of events and performers.
After that I will be rushing back to New Mexico to do some more performances with two amazing poets, Wayne Crawford and Wendy Baez-Brown, in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico. My travels will take me to the San Antonio, Dallas, Florida and more this fall including a showcase performance at this year’s Indian Summer Music Awards in Milwaukee. I mentioned in my last blog that I am nominated for a ISMA in the “Flute” category. I now sell premium Native American flutes as well as hand-made Jewelry, my CD’s and Aromatherapy Massage Oil a craft I learned being a licensed Massage Therapist for 18 years now.
I am fortunate that my music receives favorable reviews. Being a professional for all this time I’ve learned to not necessarily believe my own press. In other words whether it is a good or bad review you need to detach and not take anything personally regardless. You realize the reviewer is writing for his or her audience, doesn’t know you and is reviewing their response to your music, not you. That being said I did get a review this week that really moved me from Bill Binkelman on Bill is the most sought after reviewer in this genre and consequently receives hundreds and hundreds CD’s a week. He is a long-time music critic who writes for numerous venues but his reviews on is something every one of us recording artists works towards and treasures. You can read the full review by clicking here. In referring to my CD, A Place Called Peace, he said; “Randy Granger's name deserves to be listed with other renowned Native American flute players, both Native and Anglo, because he obviously has both the chops and the artistry to warrant it. A Place Called Peace illustrates that he is not just a gifted multi-instrumentalist but that he "feels" the music with a sincerity and emotional honesty which can't be faked.” That alone humbles me. It is one thing for a critic to say your music is pretty, etc., but when they recognize your musicianship it almost makes the years and years of sacrifice and dedication seem worth it. Of course it is though, regardless and I know it. I’m exaggerating but anyone who pursues a dream dependent on bearing your heart in public then have people review it—well you know what I mean.
I appreciate your comments, criticisms, kudos and your friendships cyber they may be. Here is a video made last year by Moonface Media Farm’s Michael Volkening another volunteer who lends his expertise in video production to this festival.
See you down the trail.